First, install the latest stable version of Node (version 0.10.x).
To do so, either follow the installation instructions on, or use your preferred package manager (such as Homebrew on OS X) if you have one.
After installing Node, verify that Node is set up correctly by typing the following commands on the command line. Both should output help messages:
node --help
npm --help
Once you’ve installed Node, you’ll need to install the Ember CLI globally with:
npm install -g ember-cli
This will give you access to the ember
command-line runner.
You’ll need to install Bower, a package manager that keeps your front-end dependencies (including JQuery, Ember, and QUnit) up to date. This is as easy as running:
npm install -g bower
This will give you access to the bower
command-line runner.
By default, your integration tests will run on PhantomJS. You can install via npm:
npm install -g phantomjs
Run the generator for your project:
ember new my-new-app
This will create a new my-new-app
folder and generate an application structure for you.
Once the generation process finishes, launch the app:
cd my-new-app
ember server
navigate to http://localhost:4200
to see your new app in action.
navigate to http://localhost:4200/tests
to see your test results in action.
Alternatively, if you are checking out an existing Ember project created with ember-cli, you will need to install dependencies yourself before running the server:
git clone
cd my-app && npm install && bower install
ember server
Command | Purpose |
ember |
Prints out a list of available commands. |
ember new <app-name> |
Creates a folder called <app-name> and generates an application structure for you. If git is available the folder will be initialized as a git repository and an initial commit will be created. Use --skip-git flag to disable this feature. |
ember init |
Generates an application structure for you in the current folder. |
ember build |
Builds the application to dist/ directory (customize via --output-path flag). Use --environment flag to specify the environment to build for (defaults to development ). Use --watch flag keep the process running, observing the filesystem and rebuilding when changes occur. |
ember server |
Starts up the server. Default port is 4200 . Use --proxy flag to proxy all ajax requests to the given address. For example ember server --proxy will proxy all your apps XHR to your server running at port 8080. |
ember generate <generator-name> <options> |
Runs a specific generator. To see available generators, run ember help generate . |
ember test |
Run tests with Testem on CI mode. You can pass any options to Testem through testem.json , by default we’ll search for it under your project’s root or you can specify config-file . |
File/folder | Purpose |
app/ |
Contains your Ember application’s code. Javascript files in this folder are compiled through the ES6 module transpiler and concatenated into a file called app.js . See the table below for more details. |
dist/ |
Contains the distributable (that is, optimized and self-contained) output of your application. Deploy this to your server! |
public/ |
This folder will be copied verbatim into the root of your built application. Use this for assets that don’t have a build step, such as images or fonts. |
tests/ |
Includes unit and integration tests for your app, as well as various helpers to load and run your tests. |
tmp/ |
Various temporary output of build steps, as well as the debug output of your application (tmp/public ). |
bower_components/ |
Your dependencies, both those included with Ember CLI and those installed with Bower . |
vendor/ |
Your external dependencies not installed with Bower or Npm . |
.jshintrc |
JSHint configuration. |
.gitignore |
Git configuration for ignored files. |
Brocfile.js |
Contains build specification for Broccoli. |
bower.json |
Bower configuration and dependency list. See Managing Dependencies. |
package.json |
NPM configuration. Mainly used to list the dependencies needed for asset compilation. |
folderFile/folder | Purpose |
app/app.js |
Your application’s entry point. This is the module that is first executed. |
app/index.html |
The only actual page of your single-page app! Includes dependencies and kickstarts your Ember application. See app/index.html. |
app/router.js |
Your route configuration. The routes defined here correspond to routes in app/routes/ . |
app/styles/ |
Contains your stylesheets, whether SASS, LESS, Stylus, Compass, or plain CSS (though only one type is allowed, see Asset Compilation). These are all compiled into app.css . |
app/templates/ |
Your Handlebars templates. These are compiled to templates.js . The templates are named the same as their filename, minus the extension (i.e. templates/foo/bar.hbs -> foo/bar ). |
app/controllers/ , app/models/ , etc. |
Modules resolved by the Ember CLI resolver. See Using Modules & the Resolver. |
The app/index.html
file lays the foundation for your application. This is where the basic DOM structure is laid out, the title attribute is set and stylesheet/javascript includes are done. In addition to this, app/index.html
includes multiple hooks - {{content-for 'head'}}
and {{content-for 'body'}}
- that can be used by Add-ons to inject content into your application’s head
or body
. These hooks need to be left in place for your application to function properly, but they can be safely ignored unless you are working directly with a particular add-on.
Add-ons are registered in NPM with a keyword of ember-addon
. See a full list of existing add-ons registered in NPM here.
Read the documentation next.